Tempo welcomes Tristan Hansen to the team
Tristan Hansen joins Tempo as Sales Manager to expand Tempo’s Furniture division. With a keen passion for furniture, Tristan has developed ranges and programs for retailers locally and internationally bringing tailored solutions to meet and exceed both sales and GP targets.
Tristan has a passion for product development, design and sourcing from all over the world. With an extensive network of suppliers that he has worked with over a number of years, Tristan has built-up strong relationships and leveraged these relationships when welcoming any new opportunities. Tristan’s focus of late has been with “Made to Order” and OEM solutions, something that will also be a focus point for him here at Tempo.
Sustainable Product Development is a keen interest of Tristan in protecting the environment both short and long term for future generations to come.
The Tempo Board looks forward to the expansion and diversification of the offerings that tristan will bring.
Email: Tristan.Hansen@tempo.org
Ph: +61 2 8422 2164, Ph: +64 9889 9829
Mob: +64 21 177 3049